The White Album: Drinks in Copenhagen

the white album (the band from Copenhagen, not The Beatles album)
If Mumford & Sons found themselves stranded on a desert island with Jack, Sawyer, Lock, Kate, Sayid and Bon Iver and together they pooled their creative emotional resources and fashioned a societal structure comprised of all that a human community would need to survive including but not limited to food, shelter and love then the band The White Album would have emerged from the next generation on that desert island provided, of course, that Claire's ability to birth a child pulled through for the original inhabitants of the desert isle.

If you haven't seen every single episode of LOST then you may not understand and may be tempted to under appreciate the previous ridiculous run-on sentence.  The summary:  The White Album sounds like Bon Iver and Mumford & Sons.  Of course, these guys are from Copenhagen and although they do their best to hide their accents when they're singing like many European artists, their Denmark-ness shines through fairly cleanly especially considering the above pic.

One of their videos on YouTube (not shown below) captures their vibe showing the band playing in a field (of corn?) with misty and tranquil sunlight ambiently imposing on the background, occasionally filling the camera lens with nothing but white; pure white light refracting and fluxing in and around subtly groovy depictions of slight human tragedy, relational warnings of failure and complication of simple love.  Their live video below gives you can idea of their approach...

That complication can be tough to pallet; difficult to digest.  "As She Drinks" follows a woman in the middle of a tipsy evening, alludes to a peaceful romance and offends no one.  A rougher side of "drinking" is revealed in verse two when a loss of human control is admitted in the wake of an alcoholic trance mimicked by trance-sounding distortions from who-knows-what kind of instrument or electronic addition.

Simple.  Clean.  Folk.  Beards.  Welcome to Copenhagen, featuring The White Album.  

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